fair share! Action: International Women's Day, Wednesday, 8th March 2023 at 12 p.m.
On International Women's Day 2023, the Berlin-based action alliance fair share! Visibility for Women Artists invites you to witness symbolic actions on the Spree riverbank in front of the Marie-Elisabeth Lüders Haus. The 7th March ‘Equal Pay Day in Germany’ sets the theme of this year’s protest.
Unlike other years, when fair share! activists stood in front of national museums in Berlin, in 2023 we are gathering before a site of political decision-making. We demand fair payment for our work, greater visibility and the recognition of women’s potential in the visual arts.
The initiators are available for interviews and additional information.
Press contact:
Alice Münch – Tel. 0176 60 855 135
Ines Doleschal – Tel. 0151 107 80 603
Rachel Kohn – Tel. 0163 79 30 404