


European Report: Towards gender equality in the cultural and creative sectors

The European Commission has just published the report “Towards gender equality in the cultural and creative sectors” which reinforces, from a policy point of view, what REGENERART is all about: using art and culture to strive towards gender equality and combat all forms of gender-based violence against women.

In the words of the Open Method of Coordination Working Group of Member States’ Experts, author of the report, “arts, culture and media, in all the richness of the cultural expressions, have a powerful and unquestioned capacity to promote tolerance, equality, diversity and social inclusion. They can be utilised to efficiently combat harmful stereotypes, change attitudes, and promote values and role models necessary for inclusive and equal societies. This transformative power needs to be used to the full.”

Specific recommendations have been put forward in the report, notably for the education sector, which, alongside other creative and cultural sectors, is called upon to use arts as a means to disrupt gender stereotypes and promote a more equal, free from violence society.

We are glad to read such synergies with European policy recommendations, which give strength and the right boost to our project targeting secondary schools for a more inclusive and righteous society!

Read the full report
